How Can I help?

What should members of the public do if they see a tagged red deer?

As it is possible that the tagged deer could travel out of the two tagging sites range, if tagged red deer are seen by land owners, deer managers or the general public around East Anglia, they should try and record the following information:

An Ordnance Survey grid reference of the sighting, the sex of the deer, colour of the tags, the tag identification number if possible, condition of the animal, how many other deer were with the individual and the sex of these, if the beast is a hind, whether it had a clearly dependent calf present or if a stag how many points were on the antlers.

What should deer managers do if they cull a tagged deer or the beast is found dead?

For the next few years the two partners would greatly appreciate it if all deer managers could cull a non tagged deer if given the choice, but the partners are fully aware that sometimes this may not be possible or a tagged deer will be culled by accident.

If a tagged deer is found dead or culled please contact the partners either by the email address on the website or by ringing the number on the tag. You should give your name, email and phone number for later contact by one of the partners. You will be asked to provide the same information as above although the following information would be very useful if available. Carcass weights, the sex of any unborn calves if a female is culled, along with the number of antler points if a stag and weight of the antlers with a clean boiled skull in Kg.

All information and contact details will be held in confidence by the partners.

All images are copyright and are the property of either the BDS East Anglian Branch, the Shooting Times or Euston Estate.

Report a tagged Deer